What you missed on the CMS facility Tour

Yesterday, we got exclusive access to the CMS facility!

It was a great chance for students to discover what’s behind the doors of CERN and learn more about the facilities they use. But don’t worry if you missed out, you can catch up below!

Watch the full tour:

Highlights of the Tour

17.17The underground gas room

This is where various gases are stored and mixed before sent into the detector for operation. Some gases are stored at around -40 degrees, so it’s pretty chilly down there!โ„

a women standing in an underground room surrounded by steel cabinets

20.55 A retina scanner ๐Ÿ‘€

This is used as an extra layer of security to give special permission access to the experimental cavern. We thought this was very futuristic!

women standing in a yellow framed lift using the retina scanner

22.12 – Heart of the CMS detector

How does it work? The right hand part is called the end cap, which moves into the plug on the left when it’s running. It’s a huge machine at about 15 metres high, 20 metres long and has twice as much steel as the Eiffel tower! It was also heavily featured in the film Spiderman into the spider-verse!

A view of the CMS detector which is a large steel machine.

Did you know? Inside the collider, 40 million proton collisions happen every second!๐Ÿ’ฅ

๐Ÿ‘‡Take a look at what was discussed in the Chat below๐Ÿ‘‡

A screenshot of a live chat, a moderator asks what the workers wearing hard hats are doing, a physicist replies that when working on the detectors they always wear hard hats for safety reasons
A screenshot of a live Chat, teacher asks how many people it takes to run the CMS experiment, a physicist replies that CMS has over 5500 collaborators

Check out the full tour on CMS’ YouTube channel here โฏ

Posted on January 25, 2023 by in News. Tagged , . Leave a comment

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