Applying to university is a big decision. Choosing a subject, choosing a university. All big choices. And then the competition for the best courses is intense. You need to know your stuff and be able to stand out from the crowd.
If you’re thinking of studying Physics, you’ll need to be able to show your passion for the subject.
This term, the CERN Zone is geared towards helping you do that.
- Ask scientists at CERN facilities about their uni choices.
- Ask about their research.
- Join the Open Chat on 11th July to learn more about how professionals ‘do physics’.
Use the insights you gain in the Zone to show your passion on your UCAS Personal Statement. Edit your profile and download your personal certificate as evidence of your participation. Stand out from the crowd.
Here’s how to get involved:
AEgIS Team update
Next week Benji from the AEgIS team will update you on the team’s recent trip to Warsaw. Come to the site to ask Benji and the team a question about their latest work!
Live Chat: Tuesday 11 July from 12.30pm
The last live Chat of the year will be a great starting point for students that are interested in an EPQ or for students thinking of studying physics at university. The theme is Journal Club. Learn more about finding gaps in existing knowledge; critical thinking; and conducting professional-level research.
There’s a few more weeks to complete the latest Quiz and be in with a chance of winning £20. Explore the scientist profiles, team profiles, and updates to deepen your understanding and answer the Quiz questions!
If you’ve got any questions, reply to the email or comment below!