Yesterday saw another Chat between students and the scientists working with CERN facilities. 20 students from 4 different schools/ colleges came along to ask their questions to Joel, Vichayanun and Patrick.
Take a look at a few of our favourite moments!
🌌The universe is filled with treacle?
Nela wanted to know more about what the Higgs field (Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism) worked. Joel broke this down by making a comparison to treacle which slows the movement of the particles down!

🧑🎓Studying physics beyond school
DeaconRL wanted to know more about the routes you can take to get to CERN. We’ll be following this up with a Chat in the new year about routes into Physics.

⚙️Development of new technology?
LukeS wanted to know whether the Higgs boson discovery has any further impact on new technology.

If you came to the Chat yesterday, let us know what your favourite moment was. If you didn’t come, or you still have more questions, ask the scientists here ❯
⌚There’s still time!
There’s only one more week to enter this terms quiz. Take a look at the teams’ profiles, scientists’ profiles and the team updates. Test your knowledge by completing the Quiz. We’ll announce the winner of the £20 voucher in January!