
Joel Goldstein
About Me:
I live in Bristol with my wife and two daughters, working at the University.
My pronouns are:
I'm a member of team CMS
My Work:
I search through the results of trillions of particle collisions, trying to find something unexpected.
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I am a particle physicist. I design, build and operate huge experiments that observe particles smashing into each other at extremely high energies. I then sift through the results, looking for signs of new, unknown forces or particles. Most of my current work is on CMS, one of the two large general purpose experiments at the LHC – the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
My work before CERN:
I have worked in the field of particle physics for my entire career, looking at the production and decay of subatomic particles. I started by working on an experiment at LEP, which was the particle accelerator that CERN had before the LHC. I then moved to the United States where I worked at a laboratory called the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – the U.S. equivalent of CERN. I then moved back to the U.K. to develop technology for future particle physics experiments.
What I would like to do next?:
We are currently finishing some major upgrades for the CMS experiment, and I am looking forward to installing the new equipment, operating it, and seeing the new data. I am also hoping that the world’s governments will fund a new particle physics facility – an even bigger, more powerful accelerator than the LHC – to allow us to probe even deeper into the nature of matter.
Bancroft’s School in Woodfod Green, Cambridge and Boston Universities
O Levels, A Levels, BA, PhD
Work History:
Fermilab, Rutherford Appleton Lab, Bristol University
Job title:
Professor of Physics
University of Bristol
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Fun and friendly physicist.
What did you want to be after you left school?
A particle physicist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
More money to fund my research, someone to do my admin for me, and a really good idea for an exciting experiment.
Tell us a joke.
A man walked into a bar. The second man ducked.