• Question: What are the applications of science in the working world, such as construction?

    Asked by anon-349476 on 14 Feb 2023.
    • Photo: Joel Goldstein

      Joel Goldstein answered on 14 Feb 2023: last edited 14 Feb 2023 11:17 am

      Almost everything in the modern world is built on scientific discoveries and developments!

      Some obvious applications of the physical sciences in construction are:
      – New materials are developed and tested by materials scientists
      – Modern buildings are designed with scientific modelling of heat/insulation, ventilation etc.
      – Radical new mechanical designs (e.g. weird-shaped skyscrapers) are made possible by detailed structural simulations using accurate physics models
      – Energy saving electrical installations are devised by physicists and engineers
      – The whole business of construction (and of course any other business you can think of) is run on computers and the internet, all technologies that depend on basic physics and many years of scientific R&D to develop new devices (transistors, silicon chips, electroptics, the World-Wide Web etc.)
