• Question: What is the wavefunction? Is it a sea of probability of where the particle could lie? If so, are particles always found at the most probabilistic location in terms of the wavefunction? Which particles are the most predictable?

    Asked by TianaD on 24 Feb 2023.
    • Photo: Joel Goldstein

      Joel Goldstein answered on 24 Feb 2023: last edited 24 Feb 2023 5:35 pm

      Simple (but infuriating answer): no-one knows what the wavefunction really is, and hence what quantum mechanics really means.

      In classical physics we describe a physical system as a bunch of particles, with definite position and velocity at any given time. We intuitively know what “position” and “velocity” mean, and the laws of classical physics tell us how they evolve with time.

      In quantum mechanics we describe a physical system by the wavefunction, and we have equations that tell us how it evolves in time. Unfortunately, the wavefunction does not seem to have an intuitive meaning. The most we can say is that when we square the value of the wavefunction we get the probability of a particular occurence. For example, if we prepare a large number of particles with a wavefunction that is 0.6x(spin up) + 0.8x(spin down) and then measure the spin of each particle, we would find that 36% of the time it is up and 64% it is down.

      Figuring out what this tells us about the nature of the universe is something that has been hotly debated for a century by physicists, philosophers and Oscar-nominated films.

    • Photo: Benjamin Rienacker

      Benjamin Rienacker answered on 24 Feb 2023:

      I’d say the real physics problem lies in the second part of the question: […] where the particle could lie. While the mathematics of quantum mechanics, and also the wavefunction, is a tool for calculating probablities for where a statistical relevant number of particles will or will not be detected, it actually does not describe the single particle. Even worse, we do not really know what a particle is. We know some properties and behavior in certain situations, but we do not have any idea how to describe a “single particle” moving through a double-slit and interfering with itself, but then being detected as a particle and not a wave. The same problematic oocurs in the less simple regions of particle physics. The one finding a single conclusive theory that explains the wave-like behavior in propagation and the localized detection of particles will probably have found a new field of physics, so to speak.
