
Carsten Welsch
About Me:
I grew up in Germany, lived in the USA, Japan and Switzerland before coming to Liverpool 14 years ago. I love spending time outdoors with family and friends. 3. Dan in Judo.
My pronouns are:
I'm a member of team AEgIS
My Work:
I design and build particle accelerators to help understand nature in all its facets and develop new ways to treat cancer.
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I have been working closely with CERN ever since my CERN Fellowship which I had between 2005 and 2007, although it did involve some international mobility.
I founded my QUASAR Group in the frame of a Helmholtz YIG Award in 2007 and have been leading this Group ever since – currently there are more than 30 members and 18 different nationalities – it really feels every day like the world is working together on common problems; very similar to the experience I made at CERN.
Since November 2008, I am a faculty member at the University of Liverpool and a member of the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology. In October 2011 I was promoted to Professor of Physics and I also lead the Liverpool Accelerator Science Group. I have been leading the entire Physics Department at Liverpool since 2016.
I am specialized in accelerator design and optimization, the development of underpinning technologies – in particular novel beam diagnostics – as well as fundamental science and industry applications of accelerators, from high energy discovery machines, to antimatter facilities, medical accelerators and ultra-compact accelerators-on-a-chip. CERN is my group’s most important research partner and we are collaborating on almost every accelerator at CERN – from the keV antiproton beams at the AD, all the way to the TeV proton beams in the flagship LHC.
I have been a partner in numerous national and international research projects and have been coordinator of 10 EU projects to date, amongst which the large scale networks DITANET,LA³NET, oPAC, OMA, AVA and EuPRAXIA-DN. I am a member of numerous international advisory committees and a frequent speaker at international workshops and conferences.
My work before CERN:
I have studied physics and economics at the Universities of Frankfurt (Germany) and UC Berkeley (USA). I finished my diploma thesis on spiral loaded rebunching radio frequency cavities in 1999 at the institute of applied physics before realizing a three months research stay at RIKEN (Japan), where I worked on the layout of a magnetic chicane for the CSM project. Back in Germany, I started my doctoral thesis on the technical and particle optical design of compact ion storage rings, which I finished end of 2002.
My further career brought me to the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg (2003-2004) before I joined CERN as a Fellow in the beam instrumentation group in 2005. I have not really ever left CERN completely since.
What I would like to do next?:
Research is international and I am lucky to be working with experts from around the world and at a diverse range of research facilities. One of the big projects I have been involved in for some time is a distributed plasma accelerator called EuPRAXIA. The headquarter of this facility is at INFN in Frascati, Italy and I do have an affiliation with this laboratory since 2022. This is certainly one of my current projects I am very excited about.
Another example is of course the AEgIS experiment at CERN and this is the reason why I am here in “I am a scientist”. This is a pioneering experiment at the cutting-edge of science and I am absolutely thrilled by the ambitious research program we have planned. There are many challenges on the way, but we have a fantastic team and excellent atmosphere in the collaboration and I am sure you will hear some groundbreaking news from AEgIS in the future. This project also means that I will continue to spend time at CERN 🙂
Goethe University Frankfurt and UC Berkeley
Physics Diploma, economics undergraduate (Vordiplom) and PhD
Work History:
Studied in Frankfurt and UC Berkeley
Research experience in Japan/RIKEN for 3 months
Postdoc in Heidelberg at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Fellow at CERN in Geneva (3 years)
Young Investigator Group leader in Heidelberg/GSI
Liverpool/Cockcroft Institute since 2008 -
Job title:
Head of Physics Department
University of Liverpool
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
reliable, cheerful, determined
What did you want to be after you left school?
A bio-chemist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I had a really bad mark in physics in year 9
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Research manager in industry
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Züricher Geschnetzeltes
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
good health, happiness and a private island
Tell us a joke.
Why does a hamburger have lower energy than a steak ? Because it’s in the ground state.