
Chris Page
About Me:
I’m from the UK and am doing a PhD in experimental nuclear physics. When not working with multi-million pound detector systems and radioactive sources, I love meeting up with friends and going hiking and skiing in the beautiful Swiss mountains. I’m also an unhealthily big star wars fan
My pronouns are:
I'm a member of team ISOLDE
My Work:
My work involves making very precise measurements of the alpha, beta, and gamma decay. This allows us to determine the structure of very exotic nuclei and improve theoretical models. My work has applications in everything from medical imaging and radiotherapy to solar measurements (and with them, climate modelling), nuclear safety, building safety and high end manufacturing.
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I primarily work at the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) which is an experimental station at ISOLDE, CERN. ISOLDE uses high energy protons to break apart uranium atoms in a target into thousands of different elements and isotopes. We can choose a particular isotope made in these reactions to separate using a magnetic separator and lasers which is then moved through the ISOLDE experimental hall to various measurement “stations”, each of which is carefully designed to use a particular experimental technique to measure various properties of these atomic nuclei.
IDS can measure the energy of alpha, beta and gamma decays of these isotopes very precisely which allows me and my colleagues to understand the nuclear structure of the nucleus we choose to study. My role within the collaboration is to set IDS up for experiments, write, maintain and upgrade the code we use, and come up with ideas for future improvements. In parallel, I’m performing my own analysis on some data gathered at IDS on the decay of a radioactive isotope of gold and other heavy, neutron rich isotopes near to lead.
I also get involved with other experiments such as ones with the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer which uses a very strong magnetic field to perform experiments in which radioactive beams react with thin targets. Because of the availability of experimental equipment I get to go abroad with work sometimes. For example, I was in snowy Jyväskylä in central Finland in February and Chicago in August
Gammasphere is a major experimental setup I worked on at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago in the USA. Prizes go to anyone who knows which Marvel movie it was used in!
The frozen lake of Jyväskylä in central Finland. The day time temperature in the depth of winter here rarely goes above -10 degrees and was down to -25 when I was here
My work before CERN:
I started my PhD straight after my master’s degree during which I had a summer job in a cafe.
What I would like to do next?:
I’d love to work at CERN (or another lab) for a few years after my PhD ends. Beyond that, I don’t know!
I grew up near Liverpool on the Wirral. I then went to Edinburgh university for a degree in physics which I finished in the summer of 2021. I then moved to York for a few months where I started a PhD in nuclear physics before moving to Geneva to work at CERN as part of this.
I did English, maths, Chemistry, biology, physics, computer science, german, history, religious studies at GCSE. For A level I did maths, further maths, physics, chemistry, and German. Then I did an integrated master’s which I finished in the summer of 2021.
Work History:
I’ve only had two jobs before my PhD – when I was at school, I had a paper round and then worked in a cafe during holidays throughout my undergraduate degree. I’ve also done some free lance sound engineering and livestreaming of events. For the first year of my PhD I also taught in second year undergraduate labs
Job title:
PhD student
University of York
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Hate Autobiographical Writing
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wasn't sure - I always just tried to do what I enjoy
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really.....not majorly, at least
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Programming or data analysis
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I don't really have one - I'm far too fickle and spent 5 minutes trying to decide on one
What's your favourite food?
Pasta but I can't choose just one - there are too many good ones (again - I'm indecisive!)
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) To be more decisive 2) Not to get distracted before I finish things and 3)
Tell us a joke.
What programming language do they use in Star Wars? JawaScript