
Dan Thompson
About Me:
I am a PhD student living in Cheltenham and I travel to the University of Birmingham for my research! I live with my partner and we enjoy paddleboarding and hiking in the summer plus computer games and movies when it is colder!
My pronouns are:
I'm a member of team LHCb
My Work:
I look for very rare physics that might give hints about the origins of our universe, I haven’t found any hints yet but I’ll keep trying! I also work on new technology for future experiments.
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I work on a few projects as part of my PhD. One on analysis, where we use the data already collected by our experiment, one on software, developing tools for others in our collaboration to use, and one on hardware, experimenting with new technologies for future versions of our experiment!
For my analysis, I search for physics that we don’t think should exist. This might sound like a bad plan but the idea is that if we do find anything, we know that our understanding of physics isn’t good enough and that we need to have a re-think! To look for this “new physics”, as we like to call it, we have to work hard to remove any mess from other processes so that we can be 100% sure we correctly understand the particles we recorded.
My hardware project is in the ultra-clean labs in Birmingham where we have to wear a special outfit to stop us bringing dust and dirt inside! I test sensors that could be used on future versions of our experiment LHCb. This involves work with electronics, lasers and radiation, but we’re all trained to keep ourselves and each other safe!
For my software project I am developing tools that will allow other researchers to more easily test their projects more often and on a larger scale! This will involve using computers from all around the world to share the workload!
My work before CERN:
Before I began my project working with CERN I went to the University of Manchester studying for a Masters physics degree! In the summers outside of term-time I worked in a factory as well as on a different particle physics experiment, ATLAS.
What I would like to do next?:
I would like to work on something related to healthcare in future. A lot of technology from old particle physics experiments is now used to develop better systems that help prevent and detect health problems in patients! I would like to be involved in this process or become a software developer for the NHS!
High School: Nunnery Wood High School, Worcester, 2009-2014. We were able to take part in lot’s of science here which helped to grow my interest for the future!
College: Worcester Sixth Form College, 2014-2016. This college showed me how interesting physics could be and was the reason I applied for a physics degree!
University: The University of Manchester, 2016-2020. I was able to learn about many different exciting aspects of physics research here!
GCSEs: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, English Literature & Language, German, Geography, History, Computing, Philosophy and Ethics.
A-Levels: Physics, Maths, Further Maths & Chemistry
Work History:
Paper round – age 13-18
2018: Factory Floor Worker @ Plastic Injection Moulding firm
2019: Summer Student Placement @ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory’s Particle Physics Department near Didcot
Job title:
PhD Student
University of Birmingham
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
hyperactive-and-friendly physicist
What did you want to be after you left school?
A physics researcher!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Occasionally for not focusing on work enough
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Making computer models to help understand and treat cancer
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I would like to have better handwriting, be able to fly and to teleport to different places!