
Emir Muhammad
About Me:
I am a PhD Student at the University of Warwick. I am originally from Indonesia, but I moved to the UK when I finished High School to go to University and now I’m in Geneva, Switzerland to do cool science at CERN!
I climb, I scuba dive, and I bike
My pronouns are:
I'm a member of team LHCb
My Work:
I am a particle physicist working on the LHCb experiment at CERN. I use this detector to measure the mass of subatomic particles!
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Particle Physicists have a theory that predicts how heavy subatomic particles are. How do we know that theory is right? Simply by actually measuring the masses of these subatomic particles! If we measure it and we see that we get the same answer as what the theory predicts, then all is well and good, but if we get a different answer, then we become very excited because it means that our theory is wrong and is missing something big!
What we’re currently doing is to use the LHCb detector at CERN to measure the masses of some interesting particles and compare what we get with what the theory predicts.
My work before CERN:
Before my PhD I have worked on many other experiments at CERN. I mainly work on improving the software used in the ATLAS and NA62 experiments, as well as to see if future experiments such as the LHeC would make sense to build.
What I would like to do next?:
I would very much like to continue the work I am doing at CERN, whether it is with LHCb or with some other experiment. I can always move on into software development and engineering too if I so desire.
PhD Physics – University of Warwick (currently!)
MSci Physics – University of Birmingham
IB Diploma Progamme – MISJ, Indonesia (High school)
IB Middle Year Programme – MISJ, Indonesia (Middle school)
High School Qualifications (IB DP)
HL : Math, Physics, Chemistry
SL: Language and Literature (English), Language Acquisition (Indonesian), Psychology
Core: Theory of Knowledge, CAS, Extended Essay
Middle School Classes (IB MYP) [that I remember :P]
Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Indonesian, Physical Education, Humanities, Music, PPKN (Indonesian Politics)
Work History:
Work History
Tour Guide at CERN
Summer internship at Particle Physics Dep, RAL (STFC, UK)
Summer internship in chemical engineering at University of Nottingham
Summer internship at PT. Len Industri (Indonesia)
High School Mentor
Job title:
PhD Student
University of Warwick
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
I like cheese
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Never got caught :)
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
After university I would have probably gone into software stuff, but there is a parallel universe out there where I became a pilot
What's your favourite food?
Cheese of any variety
Tell us a joke.
A mosquito was heard to complain – That a chemist had poisoned his brain – The cause of his sorrow – Was paradichloro – Diphenyltrichloroethane.