
George Hallett
About Me:
I’m a PhD student at the University of Warwick. I love walking, eating food (especially curry) and building lego!
My pronouns are:
I'm a member of team LHCb
My Work:
I’m working at the LHCb experiment trying to study the differences between matter and antimatter!
Read more
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is a theoretical framework describing the fundamental particles and their interactions. This comprehensive model combines the forces of electromagnetism, the strong force and weak interactions, and it has successfully predicted the discovery of new particles, like the Higgs boson. However, it is incomplete – it cannot explain why our universe is composed of matter. Theoretical expectations suggest the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of both, implying that certain processes favour matter production over antimatter. This is known as charge-parity violation (CPV) and the SM doesn’t account for our observations. The LHCb experiment, through its focus on the study of B hadrons, aims to shed light on CP violating processes, which are crucial for understanding the matter-antimatter asymmetry. I am working on a charmless B baryon decay. Using this decay to try and measure CPV can help unearth beyond the SM physics (BSM), since CPV in baryon decays has not been observed!
My work before CERN:
Did my Masters project on using AI to find patterns in particles from the detector!
What I would like to do next?:
No idea!
Primary School: Ogbourne St George
Secondary School: St John’s Marlborough
Sixth Form: St John’s Marlborough
Undergraduate Degree: University of Warwick
Postgraduate Degree (PhD) : University of Warwick
GCSE’s : English Literature, English Langauge, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Environmental Studies, Philosophy and Religion, French and Drama.
A-Levels: Physics, Maths, Biology and EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) on Nuclear Propulsion.
Degree: MPhys (Integrated Masters) in Physics.
Work History:
Developed my own mobile game (2020)
Putting Marques up over summer (2022)
Intern at St John’s Marlborough for teaching experience (2022)
Job title:
PhD student
University of Warwick
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
tired and hungry
What did you want to be after you left school?
A lottery winner!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Maybe something in Biology, really loved genetics
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Bring me the Horizon
What's your favourite food?
Curry, burgers, pizza I love them all!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish I could cook like Gordon Ramsey, sing like Adele and be as funny as Lee Mack!
Tell us a joke.
Why didn't Leia email Obi-Wan the Death Star plans? The Jedi code forbids attachments...