• Question: What is a good way to become a nuclear engineer? E.g. university, apprenticeship, etc

    Asked by anon-349650 on 14 Feb 2023.
    • Photo: Joel Goldstein

      Joel Goldstein answered on 14 Feb 2023:

      The best route depends on your interests and aptitude. The typical routes are pretty much the same in any “large” engineering discipline, although the nuclear industry is a good area at the moment with Hinkley Point under construction.

      1 – You can go to university, get an engineering degree, choosing relevant options. If interested, you can even get a higher degree (Masters or PhD). Then you apply for a job or graduate programme in the industry. This route typically leads to management/leadership positions or design and simulation work.

      2 – You can go to a university or college and get a technical qualification such as an HND. These are shorter and more practical than a degree course. Again, choose relevant options and then apply for a job or training programme in the industry of your choice. This will typically lead to more practical roles rather than management.

      3 – Apply for a job directly, typically after A levels. There are lots of jobs at all sorts of level available, some with on-the-job training, some hands-on technical roles and some more office-based. Note that you may well be in competition with people with more experience.

      4 – Apply for an apprenticeship. These are basically jobs which are lower-paid at first but with a significant component of on-the-job training. There may or may not be a guaranteed permanent job at the end, but generally this is a great way to obtain the skills and experience for a “hands-on” specialist career.

      I would suggest having a look at the Hinkley Point website to get some further insights:
